Paintings by decade
Watercolors by decade
Elena Climent
Elena Climent is a Mexican artist who resides in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
The work of Elena Climent (oils, watercolors and drawings) has achieved ample recognition in Mexico, Latin America, the United States and Europe. Her work is characterized by an intimate and penetrating intimacy and inner stillness represented in objects that were mass produced within an ever changing society.

An article and photo slide show about the mural, “At Home With Their Books,” completed by the artist in 2008.
Eric Konigsberg, Aug. 1, 2008
An article and photo on the mural, “At Home With Their Books”
“Hace ya más de quince años que Elena Climent me sorprendió con la audacia de su visión con unos dibujos humorísticos con que ilustraban, en seduencias pictográficas de rara habilidad narrativa, situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Desde entonces lo que fue para mí una revelación inesperada se ha convertido en toda una tendencia que invariablemente se asimila a denominaciones tales como ‘ultra-realismo’, pintura pintoresca academia, genre, conversation place, prosa, etc. …”
Salvador Elizondo, May, 1992
“Climent’s paintings are about memory, but they are as much about accepting how memory is changed and altered as we grow older. They are also about letting go of those things which will never return. Perhaps the best thing about these pictures is that while they represent the end product of a personal journey, the artist was able to avoid the trap of melancholic sentimentality. Some of the works in the show, which was titled “To My parents,” are ironic and funny, embracing without apology or nostalgia the oddball qualities not only of Climent’s parents daily existence but those of everyone else’s.”
Edward J. Sullivan, Dec., 1997
“Elena Climent, una artista Mexicana, pintó un impresionante mural que se exhibe en el edificio de lenguas y literatura de NYU”.
Selected Bibliography
- (The October 2002 issue of the New York Gallery Guide featured Climent’s Childhood show on its cover, and in inside pages).
- Sullivan, Edward, Elena Climent: Affirming the Real. Exh. Catalogue. Childhood, Mary-Anne Martine/Fine Arts, New York, 2002.
View PDF > - Pozas Horcasitas, Ricardo, Elena Climent. Mexico City: Conaculta (Colección punto de fuga). [This is a book about Elena Climent’s work]
- Flora, Anthony della, Interview with Elena Climent. The Sunday Journal of New Mexico, 2001.
- Acevedo, Alejandro, Youthful Inspiration, Interview with Elena Climent. Vuelo, September 1998
- Elena Climent, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts. No. 56, Spring 1998, p. 47
- Cotter, Holland, Elena Climent, The New York Times, Friday, June 20, 1997
View image > - Herrera, Hayden, “Elena Climent.” To My Parents, Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Art, New York, 1997
View PDF > - Sullivan, Edward, Latin American Art in the Twentieth Century, London, 1996, p. 11
- Lozano, Luis-Martin, “Innaata Natura: del la Figuración en la Pintura Mexicana Contemporánea.” Innata Natura: Pintura Contemporánea Mexicana. Galería de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City, 1996
- Smith, Roberta, Elena Climent, The New York Times, Friday, June 16, 1995
View image > - Glueck, Grace, Salsa on the Table, The New York Observer, June 19, 1995
- Emerich, Luis Carlos. Espíritu. California Center for the Arts, Escondido, CA, 1995, p. 29
- Lowe, Sarah M. “Ordering Objects: Acts of Time.” Re-encounters. Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Art, New York, 1995
- Schneider Enriquez, M. “The Persistence of Mexico,” ARTnews (April 1995), p.133, illus.
- Biller, J., Smith D., et al. “Elena Climent,” Latin American Women Artists 1915-1995. Exh. cat. Milwaukee Art Museum (1995), pp.156 157,illus.
- Page, Amy. “Brash New World,” Art & Auction (Jan.1995), p.83, illus.
- Ray-Jones, Anna. “Exhibitions-New Art from Latin America,” Art and Design , London (1994) pp. x-xi.
- Tibol, Raquel. “Lo Humilde como identidad,” Proceso (February 1, 1993), p. 52, illus.
View Image > - Green, Jerald R. “Elena Climent–Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Art,” Latin American Art , vol. 4, no.2 (1993), p.74
- Martin, C.P. “A New Mexican Wave,” The Regent Magazine (51st Issue, 1993), pp.70-73, illus.
View PDF > - Elizondo, Salvador. Elena Climent una artista interesante. (May 1992) Exh. cat., Galería de Arte Mexicano, Mexico, D.F., Jan.-Feb., 1993
Read PDF (Spanish) > - Sullivan, Edward. Elena Climent In Search of the Present Exh. cat., Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Art, New York, 1992
- Herrera, Hayden. “Elena Climent at Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Art,” Art in America (October 1992), p.151, illus.
- Ruy Sanchez, Alberto. “Una Mosca en el Arcoiris,” Artes de Mexico (Spring 1991), pp.23-24 (editorial), illus.
- Ortiz Monasterio, P. and J. Riestra, eds. New Moments in Mexican Art/Nuevos momentos en el arte mexicano . New York: Parallel Project; Madrid: Turner Libros, 1990
- Sullivan, E., Nochlin L., et al. La Mujer en Mexico/Women in Mexico . Exh. cat., The National Academy of Design, New York; Centro Cultural de Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City; Museo de Monterrey, 1990-1991, pp. xci-xciii and pp. 68-71, illus.
- Saavedra, M. Elena Climent Flor de asfalto ., Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico, 1988
- Torres Martinez, José. Elena Climent El tiempo detenido . Exh. cat., Galería Metropolitana, Mexico City, 1982
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